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Preparing for Baby: A Checklist for Feeding Success (Not Stress)

Preparing for Baby: A Checklist for Feeding Success (Not Stress)

Get 5 simple steps you can take during pregnancy to help feeding your baby go more smoothly—straight from new moms.

Did you know that steps you take during pregnancy can help feeding your baby go more smoothly? Here’s what new moms wish they had learned earlier.

You want to do everything you can to give your baby the best start. So you may be getting ready by stocking up on baby essentials, setting up a nursery, making a delivery plan, and packing a hospital bag. But many new moms look back and say they were surprisingly unprepared for feeding their baby—and the little challenges that can arise.

To help you better prepare during pregnancy, we asked new moms and baby experts to share their suggestions for smart feeding plans. That way, when your baby arrives, you can spend less time stressing and more time enjoying so many amazing moments with your newborn.

Know that feeding can benefit from learning

Even though feeding is something most humans do, it can take a little practice to get the hang of—both for babies and parents. That’s why education from hospitals, childbirth educators, and lactation consultants can be so helpful. Ask your doctor or midwife about classes available to you.

Gather information on all feeding options

New moms say you’ll be best prepared by brushing up on both breast-feeding and formula-feeding, no matter which path you’re planning on taking. During her pregnancy, Stefanie D. of Byron Center, Michigan, read breast-feeding books, attended classes, and watched instructional videos; as she says, “I had my heart set on exclusively breast-feeding.” After her son’s arrival, however, “I began experiencing every problem I read about, except the simple quick-fix solutions described in my books weren’t helping at all.” For three weeks, she says she became “emotionally, physically, and mentally consumed by breast-feeding. I realized I was missing out on precious time with my newborn that I would never be able to get back.”

Even if the goal is to breast-feed, the reality is that many mothers have unexpected challenges that pop up. So it’s smart to be familiar with the how-tos and benefits of formula-feeding and supplementing, which means offering both breast and bottle. “The truth is, exclusive breast-feeding doesn’t work out for everyone for one reason or another,” says Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, mom Adrianna B., who had planned to nurse for a year but developed postpartum depression. “Breast-feeding wasn’t working out for me and my son. I was reluctant to let go of breast-feeding altogether, so I began to use formula while [also] breast-feeding.”

This combination feeding, or supplementing, approach is more common and beneficial than you might realize. In fact, mom surveys show that adding formula allows many moms to breast-feed longer than nursing moms who don’t supplement. Unfortunately, new moms aren’t always aware that it’s not an either-or decision and that formula-feeding can actually help them be more successful at breast-feeding.

Ask about rooming-in with your baby

When possible, having immediate and ongoing contact with your newborn relaxes you both and strengthens your bond during breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Holding your baby close against your skin, naked except for a diaper—called skin-to-skin contact, or “kangaroo care”—has been shown to raise moms’ confidence. The easy contact also helps a nursing baby latch on better, and gives you a better chance to learn the cues that tell you your baby is hungry. Hospitals have different policies about this, so be sure to ask your doctor or midwife about this arrangement.

Line up your feeding help squad

Your doctor or midwife and hospital nursing staff can answer initial feeding questions. Some hospitals also provide a lactation consultant to help you get started if you’re breast-feeding or combination feeding. Make a plan with your doctor, midwife, childbirth educator, or pediatrician for where you can turn if you face feeding challenges. An experienced mom can also be a great resource and source of support. Knowing ahead of time where you’ll be able to turn with feeding questions can help your peace of mind and ensure you’re meeting your baby’s nutritional needs.

Above all, keep an open mind and focus on what matters most

“I planned to breast-feed exclusively for at least one year,” says Shelley N. of Dover, New Hampshire. “However, on the second day home from the hospital, the visiting nurse determined that my daughter was hungry because I was producing so little breast milk.” She says a “protective instinct kicked in” to do the best by her daughter, which meant letting go of her initial vision and embracing a different way. “I've learned that sometimes these things are beyond our control,” she adds.

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