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Baby Development: Four Month Milestones

Baby Development: Four Month Milestones

By the time your baby reaches four months old, you'll see a lot of exciting changes. Here’s a helpful guide to what you can expect during this dynamic stage.

What to Look For During Baby’s Fourth Month

At four months, your baby is becoming more interactive and responsive to their environment. This period is full of new skills and behaviors as your little one continues to grow and explore. Let’s delve into the key milestones you might notice this month.

Developmental Milestones

Your four-month-old baby is developing rapidly and becoming more social. Here are some developmental milestones to look out for:

  • Increased social interactions: Your baby may start to laugh out loud, smile more often, and show excitement when interacting with you.
  • Exploration through hands and mouth: Babies at this age love to explore objects with their hands and mouth, so you might notice more grabbing and chewing.
  • Improved communication: Your baby will likely begin to babble and make a variety of sounds, experimenting with their voice.

Check out these 5 tips for teething babies!

Movement Milestones

Physical development is in full swing. Look for these movement milestones:

  • Better head control: Your baby can hold their head steady and unsupported.
  • Rolling over: Some babies might start to roll from tummy to back.
  • Pushing up during tummy time: Your baby might push up on their elbows and lift their chest during tummy time, showing off stronger arm muscles.

Visual and Hearing Milestones

Your baby’s senses are becoming more refined. Key milestones include:

  • Tracking objects: Your baby can follow moving objects with their eyes and may even reach for them.
  • Recognizing familiar faces: Your baby will start to recognize and react to familiar people from a distance.
  • Responding to sounds: Babies at this age turn their head towards sounds and may be startled by loud noises.

Smelling and Touch Milestones

Exploration through the senses of smell and touch continues to develop. Watch for these milestones:

  • Curiosity about textures: Your baby will enjoy touching different surfaces and may show preferences for certain textures.
  • Response to strong odors: You might notice your baby reacting to new or strong smells.

When to Talk to Your Pediatrician About Baby’s Development

Every baby grows at their own pace, but it’s important to speak with your pediatrician if you have any concerns. Consider reaching out if your baby:

  • Shows limited social interaction: If your baby rarely smiles or interacts with others.
  • Has difficulty controlling their head: If your baby struggles to hold their head steady.
  • Does not respond to sounds or visual stimuli: If your baby doesn’t seem to hear or see well.

4 Months and Thriving: Special Benefits Await with Enfamil Family Beginnings®!

Your baby is growing so fast—can you believe they're already 4 months old? Celebrate this amazing milestone by joining Enfamil Family Beginnings®! When you sign up, you'll get tailored advice, special discounts, and free samples to help support your baby's healthy development. From sleep tips to nutrition guidance, we’re here to make parenting a little easier and a lot more rewarding. Join us today and ensure your baby gets the best start in life!

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