What is Ask a Nurse?
Certified pediatric and OB/GYN nurses** are available 24/7 to respond to your question in minutes.

**This service is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment and should not be used for emergencies. Abi global Health is an independent partner that delivers on-demand access to healthcare professionals. Nurses are not Mead Johnson/Enfamil employees.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Abi?
Who are the Abi nurses?
How does it work?
What kinds of questions can the nurses answer?
How long does it take to receive an answer to a question?
What about privacy?
Whether you want to check a symptom, get a second opinion, or simply have some peace of mind, the Ask a Nurse service is here for you. Become an Enfamil Family Beginnings member today and gain free access to this exclusive and invaluable benefit.
PLEASE NOTE: All information provided by nurses via Abi is intended for general information purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Abi should not be used in cases of medical emergency.
*Ask a Nurse is currently not yet available in the following states: AK, HI, MN, NV, OR.