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5 Common Formula-Feeding Myths

5 Common Formula-Feeding Myths

What’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to formula-feeding?

Medically reviewed by a board-certified pediatrician

There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about formula-feeding out there. So, let’s address some of these formula-feeding myths—five, specifically and get your formula questions answered.

Formula Feeding Myth #1: Switching formula brands solves feeding problems

Although many parents think swapping baby formula brands can solve feeding issues, it’s not always that simple. If your baby has an issue while on their formula, chances are they may need a different type of formula, not a new brand. Your pediatrician can help identify the best formula to suit your baby’s needs.

Formula Feeding Myth #2: You can’t make a straight switch from regular formula to specialty formula

There’s no need to gradually mix in a new formula with your baby’s current formula. Both regular and specialty formulas have the nutrients babies need to support their growth and development. It may take two to three weeks to find out if the new formula helps. Unless you notice distressing indicators like vomiting, diarrhea, or blood in the stool immediately, be patient and keep at it! If you have any concerns, you can always talk to your pediatrician, or call our Live Help line for information (1-800-BABY123).

Formula Feeding Myth #3: If my baby uses a specialty formula, they’ll need to switch back to a regular formula eventually

Your doctor may recommend a specialty formula for a particular feeding issue, but there’s no need to switch back once the issue’s resolved. Just like regular formulas, specialty formulas give your baby all the nourishment they need.

Formula Feeding Myth #4: My baby should have a set number of bowel movements

Every baby is different, even in the diaper department. Some breastfed newborns have up to 10 stools daily, while others go once every other day. By three to six weeks of age, some babies have only one stool a week. And if your baby is formula-fed, they might have one stool per day. All of this is normal. If you have concerns about your baby’s bowel habits, speak with your pediatrician.

Formula Feeding Myth #5: If my baby has a cow's milk allergy, they’ll need to be dairy-free for life

Actually, cow's milk allergies are usually temporary and outgrown by the time your little one turns five.   

Once your child reaches one year of age, your doctor may even supervise the reintroduction of cow's milk and dairy foods.

These are the five most common formula-feeding myths, but plenty of other myths are out there. If you still have formula questions about breastfeeding vs. formula-feeding, here are some other things you might want to know.

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