At 7 months pregnant, you’re now in the third trimester. A lot’s going on as you prepare for your little one’s arrival. Along with some of the issues you may have experienced during the previous months, such as breast and skin changes, your nipples may be leaking and you could start to notice indications of false labor. Let’s take a deep dive into what you could expect as you head into the final phase of your pregnancy.
What could you be experiencing at 7 months pregnant?
Colostrum leaks
As you reach your third trimester, your nipples may leak colostrum as your body prepares for lactation. This yellow and sticky nutrient-rich substance comes in before your mature milk, hence its moniker, “first milk.” Colostrum will be your baby’s first food, but for now, you can wear a nursing pad or put some tissue in your bra to absorb the fluid.
Braxton Hicks contractions
Braxton Hicks contractions are unpredictable, irregular contractions that may last up to two minutes. These tightening sensations in your abdomen aren’t actual labor, but they are typical during the third trimester. Dehydration, a full bladder, sex, or high activity levels are some potential triggers.
Sometimes referred to as “false labor,” Braxton Hicks contractions may be uncomfortable but, unlike actual labor, won’t increase in intensity or frequency. Drinking water, changing positions, and resting may help stop these “practice” contractions. Call your doctor immediately if you have concerns or are worried you may be in true labor.
Round ligament pain
Sharp abdominal, hip, lower belly, or groin pains may indicate round ligament pain, a common pregnancy issue. Your uterus is growing, and your body is adapting by stretching the round ligaments on either side of it. Sometimes, if you move too quickly, cough, laugh, sneeze, or roll over in bed, the ligaments may stretch too fast, causing a few seconds of discomfort and cramping.
While you may be unable to avoid round ligament pain, try leaning forward if you feel like you’re going to cough, sneeze, or laugh. Move slowly when changing positions and rest. If you have severe pain, pain that lasts minutes, or pain that is accompanied by bleeding, fever, or vomiting, call your healthcare provider right away.
Linea nigra
You may notice a dark vertical line extending from your belly button to your pubic area. This line, believed to be connected to hormones, is called linea nigra, Latin for “black line.” It is not harmful and should fade or go away entirely after your little one arrives.
Back pain is a frequent issue during the seventh month of pregnancy. Looser ligaments and joints, extra baby weight, and your shifting center of gravity can all contribute to discomfort. Plus, your uterus could be putting pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back, through the hips and buttocks, and down the back of the leg.
These strategies may help you manage pregnancy back pain:
- Use proper posture when sitting, standing, and lifting.
- Sleep on your side.
- Wear low-heeled shoes with good arch support.
- Stay active with regular gentle exercises, like walking.
- Support your back with a pregnancy belly belt.
If you have severe or continual back pain, reach out to your doctor. Call your doctor immediately if you’re experiencing uterine contractions with back pain.
Frequent urination
Feeling like you always need to pee? Frequent urination is common as your larger uterus puts increased pressure on your bladder. While you still need to maintain a high fluid intake, Kegel exercises may help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles so that you hold your pee until you reach a bathroom. Those same muscles will be put to work during labor, so it’s a win-win.
What else could be going on during your seventh month of pregnancy?
Many of the issues you experienced in the earlier months typically continue, such as skin and breast changes, dizziness, heartburn, and constipation. And while your baby’s growing size may make you a little uncomfortable, your anticipation and excitement may grow, too, as your due date inches closer.
Your 7-months pregnant belly size
At 7 months, your uterus is now above your belly button. The distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus should be somewhere in the range of 26–30 centimeters.

What’s happening to your baby during month 7 of your pregnancy?
The lungs are almost fully mature, your peanut can cough and hiccup, and their beautiful eyes can see light coming through the womb. While your little one could already hear sounds like your heartbeat and breathing, they can start to hear and recognize some sounds outside the body at 7 months.
Talk with your baby and sing those sweet lullabies—and invite your partner to do so as well. Your baby may even react to your voice with movement. And speaking of movement, your little soccer player is getting stronger, and so will those punches and kicks, which your doctor may want you to count as a way to help monitor your baby.
At 7 months pregnant, the fetus is about the size of iceberg lettuce.
Pregnancy checklist for month 7
- Ask your doctor about counting your baby’s kicks.
- Start gathering items for your hospital bag.
- Explore childcare options if needed for your particular situation.
- Finish decorating the nursery.
- Decide on a pediatrician.
Join Enfamil Family Beginnings
At 7 months pregnant, you’re just two months away from meeting your little love and precious new family member. Enfamil Family Beginnings can help you get ready for the amazing changes pregnancy and parenthood will bring. It’s the perfect resource for new and expecting moms. Save on Enfamil products, track your bump and baby’s growth, and get helpful articles each week relevant to your journey. Join now.
Frequently asked questions about the seventh month of pregnancy
How many weeks is 7 months pregnant?
How can you safely exercise at 7 months pregnant?
Is there a 7-months pregnant ultrasound?