New moms face a variety of questions as they begin breastfeeding. For women with small breasts, a common question is whether they'll be able to breastfeed. The answer is that breast size shouldn't affect your ability to breastfeed. Breastfeeding with small breasts, just like with larger breasts, provides your little one with the proper nutrition that they need. That said, every woman’s breastfeeding experience is unique, including if you’re breastfeeding with small breasts.
Breastfeeding Basics
Milk production results from hormonal changes. Soon after you give birth, the hormone prolactin becomes active, which enables your breasts to begin producing large amounts of milk. Breast size, or the amount of fatty tissue your breasts contain, does not affect these hormonal changes and therefore does not factor into milk production. Rest easy knowing that small cup size is no reason for concern. The amount of milk you produce is just a matter of supply and demand. The more your baby feeds, the more milk your breasts will produce. Don’t worry if you have a hungry baby because your body will be able to keep up.
Breastfeeding with Small Breasts: What to Expect
Here are a few things you may notice as you learn how to breastfeed with small breasts:
- Your breasts might grow. Even if you were on the smaller side before pregnancy, it’s common for breasts to increase in size and fullness throughout the duration of pregnancy and up to two weeks after you give birth.
- You may have to breastfeed more often. While women with small breasts produce the same amount of milk as women with large breasts, they also have less storage capacity, which means the baby might take in less food during each feeding.
- You may utilize different breastfeeding positions than women with large breasts. The V-Hold may feel more comfortable to you than the C-Hold, which was designed for women with larger breasts.
- Your baby may prefer one breast over the other.This may occur for several reasons, and it isn’t necessarily a reason for concern. Do your best to encourage the baby to nurse from both breasts to give them the most milk possible during each feeding.
- Your breasts might return to their normal size after breastfeeding. Your breasts might return to their approximate pre-pregnancy size after baby is weaned and you are close to your pre-pregnancy weight.
Breastfeeding with small breasts is an option if you want it to be. Get more tips on breastfeeding or learn more about supplementing with formula.