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    Developmental Milestones: 9 months to 3 years

    Developmental Milestones: 9 months to 3 years

    This development milestones chart highlights cognitive, motor, communication, and social skills to look for in your child—and when you might expect to see them as your baby approaches toddlerhood and beyond.

    Medically reviewed by a board-certified pediatrician

    Your little one will do things at their own pace, but you can watch for certain developments around certain times. Here is a rough guide of developmental milestones to celebrate with your child as they learn and grow.

    Developmental Milestones: 9 Months


    • Recognizes people and objects at a distance
    • Recognizes and responds to familiar words


    • Holds an object in each hand
    • Scoots or begins to crawl


    • Looks for and reacts to sounds outside line of vision
    • Babbles echo actual words with vowels & consonants


    • Distinguishes between strangers and family
    • Shows frustration when limits are set and tests limits

    Developmental Milestones: 10 Months


    • Understands how to use many objects
    • Expanding attention span, from two to three minutes at eight months / 15 minutes at 12 months


    • Rolls over quickly and suddenly
    • Crawls
    • Sits up unsupported for long periods
    • May stand


    • Recognizes own name
    • Shakes head or frowns to express “no”


    • Accurately mimics expressions and sounds
    • Enjoys being around other babies (but can’t yet play)

    Developmental Milestones: 11 Months


    • Understands that objects have names
    • Attracted to new toys and objects


    • Points and pokes with index finger
    • May briefly stand on their own


    • Gestures to communicate
    • Understands many things said to them


    • Imitates actions of adults and other children
    • Waves good-bye

    Developmental Milestones: 12 Months


    • Looks and listens simultaneously
    • Follows one-step commands, “Lift your arm”


    • Crawls up stairs
    • May take first steps or walk


    • Responds to simple questions and one-step commands
    • May use “Mama” and “Dada” to refer to parents


    • Shows separation anxiety when you leave the room
    • Shows increased affection with family

    Developmental Milestones: 12-15 Months


    • Actively explores objects by touching and moving
    • Points to objects you name (nose, pictures in a book)


    • Takes first solo steps or may even walk fairly well
    • Climbs stairs and scoots down


    • Uses at least one to two words around first birthday
    • Responds to questions and requests


    • Shows preferences for certain people and things
    • May say “no” to express frustration

    Developmental Milestones: 15-18 Months


    • Puts objects in and takes them out of containers
    • Imitates real life in play, like feeding a doll or talking on the phone


    • Climbs on furniture
    • Removes some clothing; helps when being dressed


    • Uses a single word as a sentence. Ex: Juice
    • Understands concepts of up, down, off, and hot


    • Easily frustrated
    • Increasingly understands that they are a separate person from you with their own preferences, feelings, and ideas

    Developmental Milestones: 18-21 Months


    • Knows how household items are used, like a spoon to eat
    • Points to at least one body part when asked


    • Jumps in place or from a bottom step to the floor
    • Walks


    • May say up to 30 words by 18 months
    • Tries longer, multi‐syllable words


    • May have tantrums when upset, however tantrums peak between 18 and 24 months
    • May have quick emotional shifts

    Developmental Milestones: 21-24 Months


    • Names simple objects in a book
    • Follows two‐step requests


    • Walks with balance along curbs or logs
    • Able to turn knobs, push buttons and turn pages


    • Uses simple phrases or puts words together, like “All gone"
    • May refer to self by name instead of saying “I“


    • Makes broad, often quick emotional shifts
    • Becomes more interested in playing with other children

    Developmental Milestones: 24-36 Months


    • Figures out simple mechanical toys
    • Completes puzzles of three or four pieces


    • Runs with more coordination
    • Jumps
    • Learns to kick a ball


    • Uses pronouns: I, we, you
    • Says name, age, and gender


    • Plays with other children rather than just side‐by‐side
    • Understands the concept of possessives like mine, hers

    From rolling over to running around and talking, their developmental milestones are worth celebrating at every turn.

    All information on Enfamil, including but not limited to information about health, medical conditions, and nutrition, is intended for your general knowledge and is not a substitute for a healthcare professional's medical identification, advice, or management for specific medical conditions. You should seek medical care and consult your doctor or pediatrician for any specific health or nutrition issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment, care, or help because of information you have read on Enfamil.