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Baby Development: Three Month Milestones

Baby Development: Three Month Milestones

At three months old, your baby may respond to your voice and enjoy being spoken to! Here are some more exciting milestones to look out for…

Watching your baby grow and change is one of the most exciting parts of parenthood. Each day brings new discoveries and achievements. By the time your baby reaches three months old, you’ll notice some significant developmental milestones. Here’s what to look for during this exciting time.

What to Look For During Baby’s Third Month

At three months, your baby is becoming more aware of their surroundings and starting to show more personality. This is a period of rapid growth and learning.

Developmental Milestones

During the third month, your baby will likely start to engage more with the world around them. They may begin to:

  • Smile responsively, especially at familiar faces.
  • Recognize and react to their caregivers' voices.
  • Show interest in their own reflection in a mirror.

Check out this article for activities for a 3 month old that you can try at home!

Movement Milestones

Your baby’s physical abilities are developing quickly. Look for:

  • Improved head control, especially when held upright.
  • More purposeful movements, such as batting at toys or grabbing objects.
  • The ability to lift their head and chest during tummy time, using their arms for support.

Visual and Hearing Milestones

Your baby’s senses of sight and hearing are sharpening! You may notice them:

  • Following moving objects with their eyes.
  • Recognizing familiar faces from a distance.
  • Turning their head towards sounds and voices.

Smelling and Touch Milestones

Your baby is also becoming more aware of different smells and textures. Get ready to watch them:

  • Reacting to strong odors or new scents.
  • Exploring objects by bringing them to their mouth.
  • Showing preferences for certain textures when touching different surfaces.

When to Talk to Your Pediatrician About Baby’s Development

While every baby develops at their own pace, it’s important to discuss any concerns with your pediatrician. Consider reaching out if your baby:

  • Shows little interest in social interactions.
  • Has difficulty controlling their head.
  • Does not respond to loud noises or bright lights.

Continue Your Parenting Journey with Enfamil Family Beginnings®

As your baby reaches the three-month mark, celebrate the incredible milestones and cherish the precious moments. Join the Enfamil Family Beginnings® program to access expert guidance, personalized tips, and exclusive offers. We look forward to supporting you and your baby every step of the way as you embrace this journey with confidence and joy!

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