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Baby Development: Five Month Milestones

Baby Development: Five Month Milestones

By five months old, your baby is becoming more active and curious about the world around them. Here’s what to expect as your little one reaches new milestones this month:

What to Look For During Baby’s Fifth Month

At five months old, your baby is more interactive and eager to explore. This month is marked by significant developments in their physical, sensory, and social skills!

Developmental Milestones

Your five-month-old baby is continuing to develop rapidly. Be on the lookout for:

  • Enhanced social skills: Your baby may start to enjoy playing games like peekaboo and can express happiness through laughter and squeals.
  • Curiosity and exploration: Expect your baby to be more curious about their surroundings, reaching out to grab and inspect objects.
  • Babbling: Your baby might start to babble more, experimenting with different sounds and tones.

Check out our article for activities to try with your 5 month old!

Movement Milestones

Physical development is progressing as your baby becomes stronger and more coordinated. Look for these movement milestones:

  • Rolling over: Many babies begin to roll over from front to back and back to front around this age.
  • Sitting with support: Your baby might be able to sit with support, such as propping up with pillows.
  • Improved hand-eye coordination: Your baby can pass objects from one hand to the other and bring them to their mouth with better control.

Visual and Hearing Milestones

Your baby’s senses of sight and hearing are becoming more refined! You may notice they are:

  • Tracking moving objects: Your baby can follow objects with their eyes more smoothly and accurately.
  • Recognizing familiar people: Your baby will likely show recognition and excitement when they see familiar faces.
  • Responding to their name: Your baby may start to respond when you call their name, turning their head towards you.

Smelling and Touch Milestones

Exploration through the senses of smell and touch continues to develop. Watch for these milestones:

  • Exploring textures: Your baby will enjoy feeling different textures and may show preferences for certain materials.
  • Responding to new smells: You might notice your baby reacting to different scents, especially during mealtime or bath time.

When to Talk to Your Pediatrician About Baby’s Development

Every baby develops at their own pace, but it’s important to speak with your pediatrician if you have any concerns. Consider reaching out if your baby:

  • Shows limited social interaction: If your baby rarely smiles or engages with others.
  • Has difficulty controlling their head: If your baby struggles to hold their head steady.
  • Does not respond to sounds or visual stimuli: If your baby doesn’t seem to hear or see well.
  • Is not showing interest in reaching for objects: If your baby shows little curiosity about their surroundings.

Each milestone your baby reaches is a testament to their growth and development. Enjoy these precious moments, and remember that your pediatrician is always there to help with any concerns.

Celebrate 5 month Milestones With Enfamil Family Beginnings®

Let’s celebrate these precious milestone moments by joining Enfamil Family Beginnings! Sign up today to receive expert advice, personalized offers, and amazing freebies tailored to your baby’s growth. From tips on introducing solids to ensuring they get the right nutrition, Enfamil Family Beginnings is here to support you every step of the way. Don’t miss out on the benefits—join our family and give your baby the best start possible!

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