With a little planning, traveling with baby formula can be a breeze. Here are five tips:
1. Think about when your baby normally eats
You can often buy yourself a couple of hours to run errands if you plan your day around your baby’s usual feeding schedule. Try to schedule tasks for just after you’ve fed your little one. That way, you can enjoy some time before they’re hungry again.
2. Note the number of feedings to prepare
Going out for a long time? Count the number of feedings you need when traveling with formula and baby. Consider adding an additional bottle just in case. Anything’s possible! If your cooler bag doesn’t maintain a temperature of 35 to 40 degrees, use the bottles within two hours or throw out the formula.
3. Measure formula before you go
Getting out of the house can be tough enough. Why make things harder once you’re out? Preparing bottles before you leave can help make the whole trip easier. Prepared formula can be at room temperature for up to two hours—or one hour if it’s already been warmed or prepared with warm water.
4. Consider ready to use formula
As another option, there’s Ready to Use formula. You don’t need to mix or refrigerate, which is super convenient. They’re also a great option if you’re not sure you’ll be able to find clean water once you’re out. Learn more about Ready to Use formula options here.
5. Be ready for spills!
Let’s face it—accidents happen. Help keep your belongings from contact with spills with a waterproof baby bag. It doesn’t hurt to keep a few extra paper towels or wet wipes on hand too, just in case.
These five tips, can help you feel ahead of the game no matter what happens when you’re traveling with formula. And sometimes, that’s enough to make life a whole lot easier when you’re out on the town with your little one.