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What I Would Tell my Pregnant Self: Advice from Real Moms

What I Would Tell my Pregnant Self: Advice from Real Moms

What I Would Tell my Pregnant Self: Advice from Real Moms

We asked four moms to share what they would tell their pregnant selves if given the chance.

1. Enjoy the journey

Many moms turn into a bundle of nerves when they find out about their pregnancy, especially if it's their first time. However, getting caught up in doing everything the "right" way can make you lose sight of how wonderful the process is. Sometimes we just need to lighten up and stop to smell the flowers.

Looking back at my first pregnancy, I think I was too anxious. I got too preoccupied with preparing everything, eating the best food, being very careful, and learning as much as I could so that I never really appreciated and enjoyed the journey.


2. Make your health a priority

It’s easy to make pregnancy an excuse to let yourself go and eat whatever you want, right? Not quite. Taking care of your health and good nutrition becomes even more important when you’re pregnant, as what you eat plays a vital part in how your baby develops.

I would tell my pregnant self to be more concerned about food and nutrition. My baby will take in what I eat, so it’s important that I eat food that is rich in vitamins and minerals important for baby development (i.e. folic acid, iodine, etc.). If you are a pregnant mum, I recommend that you consume nutritious food.


3. Begin pregnancy with a positive mindset

Most expectant parents welcome the news of a pregnancy with joy and much celebration, but the reality is that not all pregnancies are planned, and some women approach their pregnancies with anxiety and frustration.

Unfortunately, these negative emotions can affect the health of a pregnant woman, which is why expectant moms should make a conscious decision to accept their situation and find joy in it—not only for their own wellbeing, but for the baby’s as well.

It was quite hard for me to accept the pregnancy at first, since I didn’t want it to happen at the time. My frustration during the first months took a toll on me.

When I finally accepted my pregnancy (around the 4th month), everything went much more smoothly. And in the end, the sacrifice was worth it—my baby is the biggest reward.


4. Take all advice with a grain of salt

It’s always good to be informed, but pregnant women are bombarded with advice—some helpful, some not.

First and foremost, I would advise myself to stay away from the pregnancy horror stories. The internet is filled with them, and many of them gave me nightmares and only made me more jittery.

I would tell myself to be more confident and to look for positive information on birth and pregnancy, instead of reading the negative ones. I’d also advise myself to be better prepared to face the nosey aunties and neighbours who always found fault with the way I was eating or dealing with my pregnant body.


User Generated Content: All mom quotes were sourced by our agency theAsianparent in Singapore. The moms were interviewed by a journalist and gave their approval for their quotes to be published on Enfamil websites.

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