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What is Inositol? Inositol Benefits in Baby Formula

What is Inositol? Inositol Benefits in Baby Formula

If you're seeing "inositol" listed on formula packaging and wondered "What is inositol?" read on to learn more about the science behind this nutrient.

The science behind inositol benefits in baby formula

A study compared infants who were small for their age to those whose size was appropriate for their age, set out to determine if inositol levels in the brain were associated with neurodevelopment. Researchers used the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID-III)—a standardized tool which measures neurodevelopment in infants and toddlers. The results of this study are good news for moms who use Enfamil formulas. 

At 2 years of age, researchers found a significant positive correlation between brain inositol and inositol levels and the score on language subset of the BSID-III. Additionally, infants who had low scores on the BSID language subset were found to have lower brain inositol levels than infants with normal scores.

Give your baby the same average amount of inositol previously available only to babies who were exclusively breastfed.

Nourishing your baby's brain now is important because the brain grows most in the first year of life. So why not assure your baby gets a similar amount of inositol found in breast milk?

Enfamil is the first and only infant formula to have the average amount of inositol found in breast milk worldwide*

Learn about other key nutrients that are important for your little one to get in their first year of life. 

Study did not assess the effect of inositol in the diet.
*The average worldwide levels in mature breast milk over the course of lactation of inositol is 22 mg/100 kcal.

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