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    What CMA Babies Should and Shouldn't Drink

    What CMA Babies Should and Shouldn't Drink

    Find out what babies with cow's milk allergy should and shouldn't drink.

    If a baby is diagnosed with cow's milk allergy it is important to understand why healthcare professionals may recommend a specific formula. Remember to always follow their advice and speak to them if you are worried about your baby's health.

    Breast milk

    As well as providing a baby with nutrition, breast milk can reduce the risk of babies getting certain infections. That's one of the reasons why the World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a baby's life and continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond alongside the introduction of nutritionally adequate and complementary solid foods.

    If a breast-fed baby is diagnosed with cow's milk allergy, it may be recommended by a healthcare professional that all dairy products are removed from the mother's diet. This would avoid the cow's milk proteins that trigger the allergic reactions being passed to the baby within breast milk. Find out more about the dietary changes that may be recommended for babies with cow's milk allergy.

    Hypoallergenic formulas for cow's milk allergy 

    Some hypoallergenic formulas are suitable for babies with cow's milk allergy. In these formulas, the cow's milk proteins are either broken down (as in extensively hydrolyzed formulas; eHFs) or aren't present at all (as in amino acid-based formulas; AAFs). eHFs are suitable for most cases of cow's milk allergy (milk to moderate cow's milk allergy) and AAFs are usually recommended for more severe cases.

    Other milks and formulas are not always recommended or suitable as the first choice for babies with cow's milk allergy

    Standard infant formulas and follow-on formulas

    Infant formulas and toddler formulas are usually made from cow's milk and contain intact cow's milk proteins. Therefore, infant and toddler formulas are not recommended for babies with cow's milk allergy as they may trigger an allergic reaction.

    Formulas that are partially hydrolyzed

    Some infant formulas and toddler formulas are partially hydrolyzed. Even though the cow's milk protein chains in these formulas are partially broken down (or hydrolyzed), they're still big enough to cause allergic reactions in babies with cow's milk allergy. As a result, these formulas are unsuitable for the dietary management of babies with cow's milk allergy.

    Cow, goat and sheep milks

    Cow's milk is not recommended for those with cow's milk allergy as it contains the proteins that trigger an allergic reaction. Goat, sheep and other unmodified animal milks are also not recommended for individuals with cow's milk allergy because the protein in these milks is very similar to the protein found in cow's milk. This means they may trigger an allergic reaction in those with cow's milk allergy.

    Soy formulas

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the use of soy formulas for babies with documented immunoglobulin E-associated with cow's milk allergy who are not also allergic to soy protein. Check with your child's healthcare professional to see if this is an option

    All information on Enfamil, including but not limited to information about health, medical conditions, and nutrition, is intended for your general knowledge and is not a substitute for a healthcare professional's medical identification, advice, or management for specific medical conditions. You should seek medical care and consult your doctor or pediatrician for any specific health or nutrition issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment, care, or help because of information you have read on Enfamil.