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Cow's Milk Allergy

Explore Cow's Milk Protein Allergy Articles

Is cow's milk protein allergy the same as milk sensitivity or lactose intolerance? Are there any tests for identifying CMPA? How can I manage CMPA? Explore Cow's Milk Protein Allergy related articles for more tips and guidance.

Could it be cow's milk protein allergy?

17 Questions


What is a cow's milk protein allergy or CMPA?

Cow's milk protein allergy is a dairy allergy that occurs when the immune system mistakenly identifies a usually harmless protein within cow's milk as harmful and triggers an allergic response. The associated issues can either appear immediately (within minutes) or be delayed for up to a few days after consuming dairy or foods containing cow's milk protein. You may also see cow's milk protein allergy referred to as the acronyms "CMA" and "CMPA." The "P" in CMPA stands for protein because it's the protein in cow's milk that is linked to the allergy. CMPA is the most common type of infant food allergy in the United States, affecting about 2-3% of infants.1


What are the indications of cow's milk protein allergy?

A wide range of issues are associated with cow's milk protein allergy, including:

Spit up
and gas


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Explore Cow's Milk Protein Allergy Topics

Some babies may develop an allergy to cow's milk protein. Explore our Cow's Milk Protein Allergy Center to learn about cow's milk protein allergy and how to manage it.

Why Nutramigen®?

Nutramigen LGG Infant Formula is a hypoallergenic formula clinically shown to manage colic due to cow's milk protein allergy fast, in as quickly as 48 hours.* If you're feeding your baby formula, switching to a hydrolyzed, hypoallergenic formula such as Nutramigen may help them feel better quickly.

What is Nutramigen®?

Nutramigen is a baby formula specially designed for little ones with CMPA. It provides the nutrition your growing baby needs for healthy development, while helping to provide relief from colic due to cow's milk protein allergy.
*Studied before the addition of DHA, ARA, or LGG.
†Benefits may vary.