Explore Lactose Intolerance Articles
Does my baby have lactose intolerance?
If your baby experiences loose stools or gas after consuming lactose, they could have lactose intolerance or sensitivity. It's best to make an appointment with your pediatrician to find out for sure. Many suspected cases of lactose intolerance end up being related to other digestive issues that are managed easily.
What are indicators of lactose intolerance?
Indicators of lactose intolerance in infants include:



Lactose sensitivity can cause similar but milder fussiness, gas, and crying. While lactose intolerance and sensitivity are not dangerous, their symptoms can be concerning and unpleasant for your little one. Learn more about the indicators of lactose sensitivity in babies.
What can I feed my baby if they have lactose intolerance?
There are specialty formulas designed for babies with lactose sensitivities, and as they mature, you might introduce them to lactose-free milk, cheeses, and yogurts. Many dairy substitutes are plant-based, and it's good to be mindful of all of their ingredients especially if your child has other food intolerances or sensitivities. Be sure to talk with your pediatrician before giving your baby milk alternatives to learn which option may be best for your child.
Will my child grow out of lactose intolerance?
It's possible to grow out of lactose intolerance, but more common to develop lactose intolerance with age. That's because most babies are born with lactase in their intestines which help their bodies break down milk. As their bodies and digestive systems mature, the amount of lactase often decreases naturally and their bodies become better at digesting other types of food.
Lactose intolerance in babies is rare, and what's more common are sensitivities to lactose, which can come and go. Those who are born with an inability to absorb or break down lactose tend to remain lactose intolerant long-term. For many, lactose intolerance starts between age three and adolescence, and becomes more noticeable in adulthood.1
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https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/nutrition/Pages/Lactose-Intolerance-in- Children.aspx#:~text=Can%20infants%20be%20lactose%20intolerant,older%2C%20the%20lactase%20enzyme%20decreases
*Not for infants with galactosemia.