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Month 6: What's Your Baby Up To?

Month 6: What's Your Baby Up To?

In month six, you will notice your infant start to try to communicate with you. You may also notice your baby's interest in introducing solids into his or her diet.

Baby Development: Month Six

  • She will babble strings of vowels and consonants to imitate adult speech
  • She can mimic parts of some simple behaviors, like raising her arm when you make the Itsy Bitsy Spider climbing movements
  • When placed in a seated position, she is learning to maintain it for a while
  • She may be interested in the world of solid foods

Ba-ba-ba: The Sound of Self Expression

This month marks a milestone in your baby's development, as she shows real signs of trying to communicate her desires. She may be subtle in her efforts, or not at all. She might tap your hand, or stare you down. She will also let loose with strings of vowel and consonant sounds, to imitate what she hears you doing. In any event, she's definitely trying to get your attention. And even if you don't understand her, try and be patient. This phase of infant communication can be frustrating for your little one.

Another of your baby's self-expression techniques is called social imitation. In other words, she wants to be just like you. Try this little game. Open your mouth, and watch her follow your lead. Bang a toy, or splash the bath water and see if she repeats the action. Be sure to follow up with lots of positive reinforcement.

Learning to Sit

Some babies skip right to crawling at this point before they can get into a seated position by themselves. Others prefer to commando crawl across the floor on their tummies. Either way, when placed in a seated position, she may be able to maintain it for a while. Most babies will not be able to get into the seated position until 7 or 8 months of age. It takes a lot of muscle coordination and strength for a baby to discover how to get from lying on her back or tummy to actually sitting up.

Opening the Fridge to Solid Foods

Of course, your baby's main nutrition source for the first year will be breast milk or formula. But she may be starting to express an interest in solid foods, namely your lunch. If she tries to grab the food right off your plate, this may be a sign that she's getting ready for solids.

Baby Games: Month Six

Help Her Learn to Sit Up

Build on your baby's more developed physical control by sitting her up, unsupported. Surround her with pillows to cushion her tumbles and rolls. Of course, always keep an eye on her.

All information on Enfamil, including but not limited to information about health, medical conditions, and nutrition, is intended for your general knowledge and is not a substitute for a healthcare professional's medical identification, advice, or management for specific medical conditions. You should seek medical care and consult your doctor or pediatrician for any specific health or nutrition issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment, care, or help because of information you have read on Enfamil.