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Reaching Milestones: 15 to 18 Months

Reaching Milestones: 15 to 18 Months

All toddlers have their own timetable, but you can watch for certain developments around this time. Celebrate with your child as she reaches or nears these milestones.


  • May begin to have a sense of time through routines (napping after lunch, bathing before bed)
  • Actively explores objects by touch and movement (shaking, banging, throwing)
  • Searches for hidden items where last seen
  • Puts objects in and takes them out of containers
  • Sorts shapes and colors
  • Looks at picture books by herself
  • Points to objects you name (nose, picture of a dog in a book)
  • Engages in more pretend games
  • Imitates real life in play (feeding a doll, sweeping)


  • Climbs on furniture, possibly out of her crib
  • Walks or at least cruises
  • May walk backward and in circles
  • May be able to run
  • Crawls up stairs; may walk up stairs with help
  • May dance
  • Intentionally releases items from her grasp, closer to 18 months
  • Uses a spoon and possibly a fork
  • Removes some clothing; extends arms and legs to help when being dressed
  • Turns pages
  • May begin to scribble


  • Tries to copy words you say
  • Uses a single word as a sentence (“juice” for “I want juice,” “bye-bye” for “I want to leave now”)
  • Says at least three or four clear words, by 15 months
  • May say up to 50 words, by 24 months
  • May start to use simple phrases, 18 to 24 months
  • Points to certain body parts when asked


  • Gets easily frustrated
  • Separation anxiety may continue, peaking around 18 months
  • May develop an attachment to a security blanket or toy
  • Shows preferences for certain people and things
  • Increasingly understands that she’s a separate person from you with her own preferences, feelings, and ideas
  • May say “no” to express frustration
  • May show empathy (for example, pat your back when you’re upset)
  • Prefers parallel play (playing next to, rather than with, another child)

All information on Enfamil, including but not limited to information about health, medical conditions, and nutrition, is intended for your general knowledge and is not a substitute for a healthcare professional's medical identification, advice, or management for specific medical conditions. You should seek medical care and consult your doctor or pediatrician for any specific health or nutrition issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment, care, or help because of information you have read on Enfamil.