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Toddler Social and Emotional Activities

Toddler Social and Emotional Activities

Encouragement, support and love are the best ways to nurture her emotional growth. These activities can help you make sure you're doing just that.

Spend time together

You are still her favorite role model.

Establish a routine

She can find comfort in the familiar, though you can vary it a little on special occasions.

Hold her when she's upset

Speak calmly and quietly until the storm passes.

Share her emotions

Let her see you happy or sad when she is. This will help her build empathy.

Be patient with regressive behavior

Treat this one with patience, and try to understand where it's coming from.

Work with words

Say the words for objects you see every day. Encourage her to say them back.

Read as often as you can

Start with predictable stories, so she can “read” them too.

Use the mirror

Let her make faces and name her body parts.

Walk the neighborhood

Talk about what you see.


Set a good example with snacks, toys or books.

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