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Healthy Pregnancy Weight Gain

Healthy Pregnancy Weight Gain

Here are four common questions and answers about what healthy pregnancy weight gain looks like and calorie requirements during pregnancy. If you've ever wondered exactly, "What is healthy pregnancy weight gain?" now is the time to find out!

Medically reviewed by a board certified OB GYN

Q: How many more calories should I consume a day while pregnant?

A: By month four, you should be consuming about 300–500 more calories a day. Nutritious ones, of course. A turkey sandwich on whole wheat with mustard is a simple, but good, example of where those extra calories could come from.

Q: How much weight will I gain during pregnancy?

A: On average, you should expect to gain 25 to 35 pounds during your pregnancy. Smaller women may need a little more to store extra energy. If you started out a bit heavier, you may need to gain less. If you’re having twins, you should expect to gain around 35 to 45 pounds.

Q: How much of my pregnancy weight is actually my baby?

A: About 25% of this weight is from your baby. Another 10% is placenta and amniotic fluid. The rest is what’s called “support services,” or things that are vital for the baby, like increased blood volume, breast and uterine tissues, and fat stores. This chart breaks it down:

Breakdown of Weight Gain

Baby 6-8 lbs (2.5-3.5 kg)
Energy Stored as Fat 5-8 lbs (2-3.5 kg)
Placenta and Amniotic Fluid 4-6 lbs (2-2.5 kg)
Blood 4 lbs (2 kg)
Breasts 2-3 lbs (1-1.5 kg)
Uterus 2-3 lbs (1-1.5 kg)
Extra Fluids 2-3 lbs (1-1.5 kg)
Total 25-35 lbs (11.5-16 kg) 

Q: How quickly will I gain weight?

A: Weight gain is usually slow during the first three months. Your baby is still tiny. After this, your baby begins to grow more quickly and so will you. Starting at 14 weeks, you’ll gain about half a pound to a pound and a half each week. Although everyone is different, here’s a guideline of what you can expect. Keep an eye on the numbers and discuss with your doctor to ensure your own healthy pregnancy weight gain.

You might gain irregularly. You might gain steadily or hit a bump in your second trimester. Everyone’s pregnancy is different. As long as you do your best to make healthy choices and know your guidelines, you should be in good condition once your little one arrives. And, if you’re already experiencing strange food cravings, here are some ways to deal with cravings during pregnancy.


First Trimester

Second Trimester


Third Trimester

Total Weight Gain

Weight Gain

2-5 lbs (1-2 kg) 13 lbs (6 kg) 10-18 lbs (4.5-8 kg) 25-35 lbs (11.5-16 kg)


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