Switching from a routine infant formula to a hypoallergenic formula like Nutramigen with Enflora LGG shouldn't be a big deal. These formulas are very similar to routine infant formulas—just without the allergy-causing problems associated with cow's milk protein.
Check out these other important Nutramigen facts.
Fact #1: Your baby will like the taste1
Babies with cow's milk allergy have been drinking—and enjoying—Nutramigen formula for 70 years. Remember, your baby's taste buds are more receptive to new flavors than yours. In fact, after seven months on a Nutramigen diet, most babies prefer the taste of this formula over routine ones.
Fact #2: Hypoallergenic formulas are as nutritionally complete as routine formulas
Both Nutramigen with Enflora LGG and PurAmino have all of the essential vitamins and nutrients infants need for healthy growth and development, including iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and D. Both formulas also contain a special blend of omega-3 (DHA) and omega-6 (ARA) essential fatty acids that has been shown to promote brain and eye development.2 Infants with cow's milk allergy who are fed Nutramigen with Enflora LGG also benefit from a probiotic called lactobacillus rhamnosus GG or LGG. These helpful bacteria have been widely studied in babies with cow's milk allergy.3
Fact #3: Your baby's cow's milk allergy may go away faster
After 12 months on a diet of Nutramigen with Enflora LGG, 81 percent of babies with cow's milk allergy tolerated cow's milk protein.4 Previous research suggested that most children wouldn't outgrow cow's milk allergy until age five.5
Fact #4: Nutramigen and PurAmino formulas work fast
Nutramigen with Enflora LGG is clinically proven to ease colic due to cow's milk allergy fast, often within 48 hours.†6 Infants with cow's milk allergy who consume PurAmino also enjoy quick relief: 100 percent of infants fed PurAmino experience no allergic reactions or adverse events.7
Fact #5: Hypoallergenic formulas have an unpleasant odor8
The special formulations of Nutramigen with Enflora LGG and PurAmino give these hypoallergenic formulas an unusual aroma. The scent is more noticeable to you than to your little one, whose sense of smell is still developing.
Fact #6: Hypoallergenic formulas can lead to some colorful diaper changes9
It's not uncommon for infant stools to vary in color from day to day (and even from diaper to diaper). Color changes may be more noticeable, though, when your baby switches formulas, including a transition to a hypoallergenic formula such as Nutramigen with Enflora LGG or PurAmino. Generally, stools that have an earth-tone color—yellow, green, brown, or tan—are normal. Call your pediatrician if the stools are white, red or black.
Fact #7: PurAmino isn't just for newborns
Nutritionally complete Nutramigen with Enflora LGG and PurAmino can serve as sole sources of nourishment until your baby is six months old. There is no need to switch formulas if your baby takes PurAmino because it is formulated as a sole source of nutrition for infants up to six months, and as a major source of nutrition through two years.10 Your baby should remain on PurAmino hypoallergenic formula for as long as your doctor recommends. You should introduce your baby to foods made with cow's milk only while under a doctor's supervision.11
Fact #8: You'll pay a little more for Nutramigen's and PurAmino's many health benefits
The scientific process involved in making formulas safe and hypoallergenic for infants with cow's milk allergy is extensive and costly. In addition, both Nutramigen with Enflora LGG and PurAmino are continually monitored and researched to ensure their potential for causing cow's milk allergy symptoms remains low while their nutritional value stays high. This adds extra expense.
- A Parent’s Guide to CMA: Does your baby have CMA (p. 8, Q: 12)
- https://www.enfamil.com/products/nutramigen-enflora-lgg
- Nutrition Review: https://www.nutritionreview.org/library/lgg.php; Vitamin Research Products: https://www.vrp.com/digestive-health/lactobacillus-gg-new-research-on-one-of-natures-most-potent-probiotics; AAP: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/feeding-nutrition/Pages/Choosing-a-Formula.aspx (last graph under “specialized formulas”); AAP: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/feeding-nutrition/pages/Probiotics-in-Formulas.aspx
- Berni Canani R et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012; 129: 580-582; A Parent’s Guide to CMA: Does your baby have cow’s milk allergy (orange box near points 14 and 15)
- A Parent’s Guide to CMA: Does your baby have cow’s milk allergy (orange box near points 14 and 15)
- https://www.enfamil.com/products/nutramigen-enflora-lgg
- PurAmino Launch Visual, p. 1
- A Parent’s Guide to CMA: Does your baby have CMA (p. 8, Q: 12)
- AAP: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/diapers-clothing/pages/Babys-First-Bowel-Movements.aspx (2nd and 3rd graphs); https://www.enfamil.com/products/puramino
- PurAmino launch visual, p. 2
- A parent’s guide: does your baby have CMA?