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35 Weeks Pregnant: Week-by-Week Guide
5 mins read

IN THIS ARTICLE – At this stage of your journey, new developments are beginning to unfold. Check out this week-by-week guide to find out what’s in store for your baby and your body in week 35 of pregnancy.


Your baby at 35 weeks pregnant | Week 35 pregnancy symptoms | Mom's tip of the week | Baby brain waves | Join Enfamil Family Beginnings


  • What trimester is 35 weeks? Third trimester
  • How many weeks of pregnancy are left? Five
  • How many months is 35 weeks pregnant? You’re in your eighth month.

With week 34 of your pregnancy complete, you’re on week 35. Enjoy it, as week 36 is on the horizon! 

One of the most exciting things about pregnancy is how many changes you’ll experience with your little one over the span of just 7 days! Here’s some tips and tricks to keep on top of all that’s happening.

Your Baby at 35 Weeks Pregnant

What's Happening in There

  • Your baby is the size of a pineapple.
  • You’re in the eighth month of pregnancy and the third trimester.
  • The countdown continues: you’ve got 5 weeks to go!

What Happens During the 35th Week of Pregnancy?

  • Pump it up: At about 35 weeks pregnant, your baby begins rapidly gaining weight, primarily from fat, and adds about 8 to 12 ounces per week. They’re gaining throughout their body, but this week, the plumping is most noticeable in the limbs and around the shoulders.
  • Taking it easy: Your baby is reining in their movements. When you're 35 weeks pregnant, there's just not enough room in your uterus for your cutie to do much more than wiggle!
  • Diaper-ready: In the intestines, your baby is storing their first waste, called meconium, a sticky tar-like substance that they’ll pass after birth.

What Should I Be Feeling at 35 Weeks Pregnant?

  • Your baby’s head may be resting against your pubic bone. If you feel pressure there, know that it’s normal and not a cause for concern.
  • Your body is preparing for labor by loosening up your joints and ligaments, potentially causing hip and joint pain. Posture changes and your enlarged uterus may also cause discomfort.

35 Weeks Pregnant: Signs of Labor

The length of a typical pregnancy is approximately 40 weeks. If you go into labor at 35 weeks or any time before the 37th week of pregnancy, it’s considered premature labor. Some signs of preterm labor include contractions every 10 minutes or more, vaginal bleeding, and fluid leaking from your vagina, which could mean your water broke.

Going into labor this week doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll give birth now. Many women treated for preterm labor go on to have a baby after 37 weeks.

Having a Baby at 35 Weeks

If you deliver at 35 weeks, your bundle of joy would be considered a “late preterm” baby—a baby born between 34 and the end of 36 weeks. Your little one may need extra care and monitoring in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). In the NICU, they will receive around-the-clock medical attention from healthcare professionals trained to help the tiniest of patients adapt to life outside the womb.  

Premature babies may face challenges, but a baby born at 35 weeks is unlikely to have long-term health issues due to prematurity. Many famous people were premature babies, including Albert Einstein!

How Big Is Your Baby at 35 Weeks Pregnant?

 35 Weeks Pregnant

Baby Weight

5.5 pounds

Baby Length

20 inches from head to toe

Baby Size

Comparable to a pineapple

Week 35 Pregnancy Symptoms

During week 35 of pregnancy, your body is changing quickly. As your baby grows, you will too, and there are certain pregnancy symptoms you may experience at this time.

  1. Constipation remains a constant, so keep eating those high-fiber fruits and veggies and drinking plenty of water. If your constipation is severe, contact your doctor.
  2. Catching your Zzs can be a struggle. Normal anxiety, leg cramps, a stuffy nose, the need to go to the bathroom, and trouble finding a good sleeping position may all contribute to insomnia. Encourage quality sleep by sleeping on your side with a pillow, using a humidifier to help combat congestion, and maintaining other healthy sleep habits.
  3. You’ll still be experiencing those Braxton Hicks contractions, your body’s way of practicing for actual labor.
  4. Your baby may have dropped into your pelvis, a process called lightening. It happens gradually, and if you're carrying low, you may not even realize it has occurred. However, it may be especially noticeable if you've been carrying high. Dropping will ease the pressure on your lungs and stomach but increase pressure on your bladder.
  5. Water retention and your body’s increased production of blood can lead to swelling in the hands, legs, feet, and ankles. That puffiness is called bloating, and it’s an expected part of pregnancy. Put your legs up when you can, and try to avoid standing for long periods. And while it may seem counterintuitive, drinking water can actually reduce fluid retention by flushing out your system. If you have severe edema or rapid weight gain due to fluid retention, speak with your doctor.

Mom's Tip of the Week

Did You Know...?

Pregnancy can hurt your head. Hormonal changes, lack of sleep, sinus congestion, and low blood sugar (when you don’t eat enough for both of you) are just some of the common triggers of pregnancy headaches. While acetaminophen is generally considered safe for use during pregnancy, check with your doctor before taking it or any other medication.

Baby Brain Waves

Your Baby’s Brain Is Developing.

At 35 weeks pregnant, your baby’s brain continues to grow by leaps and bounds! In fact, their head is disproportionately bigger than their body to accommodate this brain development. Make sure you support your little one’s brain growth in the next few weeks by continuing to eat a well‐balanced diet and taking a prenatal supplement with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Check your supplement label for expert-recommended levels of DHA—200 mg daily while pregnant.

Experts recommend that women aim for the same level of DHA after birth if breastfeeding. Why? Your baby’s brain continues to develop once they enter the world. In fact, during the first three years of life, a child’s brain grows to 85% of its adult size. The nutrition your breast milk provides (including brain‐nourishing DHA) is very important to that development. If you’re formula or combination feeding, look for an infant formula with expert-recommended amounts of DHA.

More Info You Might Find Helpful:

Learn more about your pregnancy, including pregnancy planning and pregnancy nutrition to feel prepared to continue this magical adventure. You’re armed with the facts, what to do, and now you can take time to connect with the little one growing inside you.

With week 34 in the rearview mirror and week 35 going strong, look to the future and what's coming up in week 36!

Join Enfamil Family Beginnings

At 35 weeks pregnant, you’re more than halfway there. Start preparing for your new arrival with Enfamil Family Beginnings. It’s the perfect resource for new and expecting moms. Save on Enfamil products, track your bump and baby’s growth, and get helpful articles each week relevant to your journey. Join now for up to $400 in free gifts.

All information on Enfamil, including but not limited to information about health, medical conditions, and nutrition, is intended for your general knowledge and is not a substitute for a healthcare professional's medical identification, advice, or management for specific medical conditions. You should seek medical care and consult your doctor or pediatrician for any specific health or nutrition issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment, care, or help because of information you have read on Enfamil.